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Consultancy service

Zeus, manual filter ventilation equipment (FVE)

Mobile manual filter ventilation equipment through which even small children can manage to acquire enough air for a family. It is primarily used for the filtering of air in conditions of nuclear, biological or chemical war, but also it is possible to use it even in case of accident in chemical plant, nuclear power station or similar. It is completely independent of electricity, which is particularly important in the case of any war conflict.

Protective masks

Protective filters


Practically focused courses devoted mainly to the protection of persons and property against the effects of weapons of mass destruction. Primarily providing information which is very difficult for the general public to access.

Designing and construction primarily of fallout shelters

The design and construction of both fallout shelters and also shelters with an increased seismic resistance. The main focus being on smaller shelters, i.e. family-type shelters.

Terms and conditions

What lies ahead in 2011 and 2012

This article from March 2011 addresses the connection between global development on this planet and the possible end of our civilization, (not the end of the world).

World Developments

An account of certain matters which have a significant influence on global development.

Global news

A daily summary of important news concerning current world events.
